Millions to get double Supplemental Security Income must activate an option to get both checks on time

The Social Security Administration will send up to two different Supplemental Security Income checks in June

Supplemental Security Income will be sent in August - Licensed AdobeStock

Each new calendar month the Social Security Administration sends millions of checks to households in the United States. Each of these new checks goes to citizens who have a previously accepted benefit. Supplemental Security Income is different from Social Security retirement checks.

This is because Supplemental Security Income is a type of benefit that only needy United States citizens can receive. The ultimate goal of the SSI check is for all Americans to have enough money to cover all of their expenses. In fact, many Americans who are eligible for this benefit do not apply because they are not aware of it.

The money from this check is usually sent on the 1st of the month. But this can sometimes change a bit when we encounter an irregularity in the calendar. And this is exactly what will happen with the Supplemental Security Income payments for the months of June and July. When there is an irregularity in the payment schedule, the check changes days and makes everything different.

Who receives two Supplemental Security Income checks in June?

First of all, it should be made clear that the two June checks are actually Supplemental Security Income checks from two different months. That is, the first of the June checks does belong to June, but the second check actually belongs to July.

Social Security Administration is sending an extra check in June
Social Security Administration is sending an extra check in June – Licensed AdobeStock

Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that we will not receive an extra check, but an advance check. This means that in the month of July we will not have a Supplemental Security Income payment, so we must organize our household budget well.

As to who receives the two SSI payments in June itself, the answer is very simple. Only those who choose the proper collection method can actually have this money for the month. This is because the Social Security Administration will send the checks at the beginning and end of the month:

If you have Direct Deposit activated, the money will arrive immediately. Therefore, on the 30th of the month we will have the money for July. For Supplemental Security Income recipients who do not have this method of payment activated, they will simply have to wait a few days to receive it.

The maximum amount of the Supplemental Security Income check is $914, but this does not mean that all recipients will receive it. Still, remember that two requirements must be met to apply for this payment. The first requirement is to be 65 years of age or older or have a disability. The second condition is to have low economic resources and low monthly income.

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