Can you swap Early Retirement benefits for disability benefits?

Collecting the same two benefits at the same time is not possible and one of them may be more beneficial than the other

Paid Social Security - Canva

The United States Social Security Administration has a number of benefits available to Americans. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for one benefit or another. The important thing is to know what the requirements are so that you do not miss the opportunity to receive the money you deserve. Receiving Social Security retirement benefits is possible after the age of 62. However, this rule changes in the area of disability.

In this sense, we can affirm that the disability benefit and retirement are really the same modality. From different points of view. Thus, it is not possible to collect both at the same time, although many people think that they are complementary benefits. The Social Security Administration can grant one of them, but not both at the same time.

Can Early Retirement and Disability benefit be exchanged?

This is a very important question because it can make a big difference in the amount of money you receive each month. If Social Security pays you an Early Retirement benefit, you will have 30% less money than you are entitled to as a retiree. On the other hand, if you receive a Disability Benefit you will not have this type of reduction, since the rules are different.

Person with disability can receive Social Security today
Person with disability can receive Social Security today – Canva

That is why it is so important to be able to cancel the Early Retirement and apply for the Disability Benefit. If you have a disability and you are entitled to a benefit, you can cancel the previous one without any problem. In addition, Social Security may pay you retroactively if they determine that you have been disabled for some time.

How do I apply for Social Security?

There are several ways to apply for Social Security and it doesn’t matter if you are thinking about Early Retirement Age or Disability benefit. For either type you can apply for the benefit through My Social Security. The SSA is currently updating the online application for these types of benefits, so it will work even better soon.

You can also call your local office and make an appointment. Over the phone you can also get the benefit you need to understand all the elements you need. Remember that in order to apply for Disability Benefit it is mandatory to provide official documents certifying your situation. Any type of medical record that provides information about your disability is perfect for this end, as long as it is an official document.

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