These are the beneficiaries who will NOT receive Social Security payment today

The Social Security payment schedule is clear with the beneficiaries with pensions and there are many retirees who do not receive it today

Some Social Security beneficiaries do not receive their pensions today - CANVA

Users in the United States who collect their retirement benefits should be familiar with the Social Security calendar. By knowing exactly what payments they receive, they can control their household finances. This detail is very important, since there are many retirees who only have the Social Security pension as a source of income. Although this is not recommended, for many families there is no other option.

Today the Social Security Administration sends the check to the last of the retiree groups. This check is only for one particular group. The other two groups will not receive the money today, as they received it in the past. To know the date of collection perfectly, the most important information is the day of the birthday. However, the month of birth is not important. The year is also not important in this case. To know the day on which we will receive the retirement check, we only need to know the day of birth.

And the month in which we were born does not change at all the day on which we collect the benefit. In this way, the Social Security Administration divides the payments into different days. These days are the second, third and fourth Wednesday of the month. On each of these days, a different group of retirees receives their pension, depending on their birthday. Are you in the group of retirees who will not receive their benefit today?

Who does not receive a Social Security pension today?

The retiree groups are divided into three different groups, as previously discussed. Thus, the Social Security Administration separates three different groups according to the day of birth:

SSA follows a schedule every month
SSA follows a schedule every month – CANVA

Remember that the month of birth is not important, only the day. Thus, it is not necessary to be born in November to receive the November check.

The group receiving their check today are retirees born between the 21st and 31st of the month. So if you are in one of the above groups, you will not receive your retirement pension.

However, it is important to keep in mind that any retiree not born between the 21st and 31st should already have the November benefit. This is because Social Security sent the payment to these retirees on the second and third Wednesday of the month.The month of birth does not matter, so if you were born in May or October, you will receive your pension on the day it is due.

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