What do I have to do to receive the next stimulus check?

A new stimulus check could be on its way, and to receive it, it is only necessary to complete one mandatory requirement

Stimulus checks are meant to get United States citizens pockets soon - Canva

Inflation is wreaking havoc on a large portion of United States families. For that reason, stimulus checks, as well as any Social Security pension, are vitally important. Many households live on only a Social Security subsidy, even though it is not advisable, as a source of income. It is true that in many situations this is unavoidable, as it depends on each individual situation. In this sense, financial help such as Supplemental Security Income is also very important. Thanks to them, seniors and people with disabilities can have a quieter life.

As far as stimulus checks are concerned, there is only one fundamental requirement. That requirement is to have paid your taxes on time. There is no other fundamental requirement. Obviously, it is also mandatory to have an accepted check. But we do not need to claim the stimulus check, as it is an automated process. If we deserve the stimulus check, the government will send it to us without the need to do anything. As long as we have paid our taxes on time, by April 18 of this year 2022.

But it should also be noted that many people had extensions to pay their taxes. In these cases, the taxpayer can have paid taxes after April 18 and still receive the stimulus check. All you have to do is wait, as the checks are expected to be mailed later this month or before the end of the year.

Can I receive a stimulus check and Social Security at the same time?

The short answer is no. On the other hand, we can also say no, but it depends on other factors. Considering that stimulus checks are paid based on taxes paid, most Social Security retirees cannot qualify. This is because almost no retirees pay federal taxes. Or if they do, they pay very little. Therefore, it is virtually impossible for a Social Security retiree to end up receiving one of these new stimulus checks.

Millions of Americans could receive this check
Millions of Americans could receive this check – CANVA

On the other hand, if the retiree works, he or she could receive one. Working does pay a large level of taxes, especially if the salary is large. In this case, it is quite possible that the stimulus check will come home to these retirees. If this situation occurs, it will alleviate a large part of the months of the year for these retirees. Best of all, you don’t have to do anything to claim it, as you can receive it directly if you are entitled to one of these stimulus checks.

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