Next new $4,194 Social Security Payment in just 2 weeks

Find out when the next Social Security payment of up to $4,194 will be made to retirees and people with disabilities

First Social Security Payment is close - CANVA

Being on the list of beneficiaries of Social Security benefits in the United States ensures a certain amount of money each month. Thanks to this, many retirees can pay all their bills without the need to work more. This is important, since a good Social Security benefit is enough to cover monthly expenses.

Payments sent by the Social Security Administration have already started this month. On September 1, SSA sends out SSI. This payment is for lower income benefit recipients. The second of the payments will occur in just 2 weeks and corresponds to the first mailing of money to Social Security recipients.

Up to $4,194 in Social Security

This Social Security payment can be as high as $4,194. In order to get such a high amount, it is necessary to meet a number of requirements before starting to collect the benefit. These requirements are to have a good salary during your years as a worker. It is also necessary to work for at least 35 years.

If you have a benefit you will get it soon
If you have a benefit you will get it soon – CANVA

In addition to this, to get the maximum benefit of $4,194 per month you will need to retire at age 70. You can retire at age 62, but your monthly benefit will be reduced by about 30%. However, these requirements are different for people with disabilities. You do not have to wait until the minimum retirement age to start collecting your benefit.

When will I receive my retirement check?

Next September 14, the second Wednesday, Social Security will send the money to people born between the 1st and 10th. On the other hand, if you were born between the 11th and 20th, the SSA will send your benefit on September 21st. Finally, people born between the 21st and 31st will have their money in their pockets on the fourth Wednesday of the month, September 28th.

This is a very good way to always know when you will receive your Social Security benefit. By simply knowing the day of your birth you will already have the exact answer as to when the SSA will send you your check. The second Wednesday, third Wednesday and fourth Wednesday of the month are the key days to receive your benefit money.

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