New Social Security Payments: In just one week the last October check for seniors will be sent

The last of the October Social Security payments will be mailed in just over a week and this is the last chance to get it

Social Security beneficiaries will get a new payment soon - CANVA

Having a Social Security benefit is a good thing for people in the United States. This is because many of the seniors who receive this money on a monthly basis have no other source of income. Some people are able to combine a Social Security benefit with a salary, but not all retirees can afford to do so. Some cannot work at all because of their age or because they have reached the maximum amount of money they can earn. In the latter case, however, there are not many limits in this regard, so if this is your case we advise you to see if you can work more hours.

However, the Social Security Administration brings good news for all retirees. Next week, on October 26th, the last benefit payment of the month takes place. This means that by the end of next week all retirees should have their retirement benefit in their bank account. Also the disability benefit, as these two payments are the same in terms of timing. Next week people born between the 21st and 31st of the month will receive the money, so the last of the group will collect the amount of the subsidy.

If you were born before these days, i.e. between the 1st and 20th of the month, you should know that your benefit was sent one of the previous weeks. The other Social Security payment days in October were the 12th and the 19th. Since the Social Security Administration sends the money on time, you should already have it. If not, your bank may be holding the check with the amount that belongs to you. In this case, it is advisable to go to your bank to resolve any doubts you may have.

Social Security Payments in 2022

Within 2022 there are still payments that Social Security will send. In the upcoming month of November, SSA will send four different payments. On the other hand, in the month of December, Social Security will make up to 5 different payments. It is worth mentioning that these payments are not only the retirement payments, as the Supplemental Security Income payments are also included. These are the payment days for the remainder of the year:

Be ready to get next SSA payment
Be ready to get next SSA payment – CANVA



With this calendar you will know exactly when you will receive your Social Security benefit in the last months of 2022.

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