Millions of Americans are getting payments up to $1,657 in this exact week – It depends on your birthday

Social Security Administration sends retirement and disability benefit money this week and you may receive it

Millions of Americans will get Social Security money this week - CANVA

Across the United States this week will be very welcome. Millions of Americans will receive the September Social Security benefit in their bank accounts. However, this is only for a group of people and not for all beneficiaries. To find out if you are one of those who will receive the retirement or disability benefit, all you have to do is look at your date of birth. With the day of your birthday you will be able to find out if next Wednesday is your collection day or not.

Next Wednesday is the second Wednesday of September 2022. On this day, the Social Security Administration sends the amount of retirement payout money to those born between the 1st and 10th. Therefore, if your birthday is between those two dates, you will have the money this week to pay your bills and do your grocery shopping.

Social Security schedule

The Social Security Administration does not send the money only during this week. In addition to the payment on this second Wednesday, it also makes payments on the third and fourth Wednesdays. Thanks to knowing the calendar in advance, we can get an idea of how to organize ourselves financially during the year. As we have already mentioned, the date of your birth is key to know which Wednesday you will receive the money.

SSA sends out new payments this week
SSA sends out new payments this week – CANVA

Although we are not talking about your full date of birth, but only your exact day. Social Security payments are divided into three groups:

It does not matter which group you are in, as you will receive your money regardless. Just by checking this exact figure you will have the information you need. On the second Wednesday of the month, Social Security will send the payment to those born between the 1st and 10th of the month. On the other hand, the second Wednesday of the month is chosen for those born between the 11th and 20th of the month. Finally, on the fourth Wednesday of the month, those born between the 21st and 31st of the month will receive their benefit.

September SSA Payments

Next, let’s take a look at what Wednesdays in September are:

This way you know exactly when you will be able to receive your retirement or disability Social Security benefit. Remember that it is important to have Direct Deposit activated if you want to receive the money as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have to wait up to 3 days to have your payment in your account.

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