Millions of Americans born between 1st-10th are getting paid by Social Security in days

The Social Security Administration has announced the November payment schedule and will soon send the first of the payments to retirees

Millions of Americans will get new Social Security payments next week - CANVA

The Social Security Administration sends payments to all of its users on a staggered basis. It doesn’t matter what State in the United States you are in, since Social Security is a federal thing and, therefore, is for the entire country. The next payment that the Social Security Administration sends is for beneficiaries born between the 1st and 10th of the month.

But you do not have to be born in November to receive the November benefit. In other words, it is not the month in which you are born that is important, but the day of the month. You can be born in January, March or September. You will receive your Social Security benefit every month of the year, if you have an accepted benefit.

A new check will be available to you this coming November, although the day will depend on when you were born. The first of the retirement or disability benefit payments is on the 9th of November. This payment is for people born between the 1st and 10th of the month, as we have previously commented.

When are Social Security payments due in November?

In total, the Social Security Administration will send out 4 different payments in November. Of those payments, 3 depend directly on the retiree’s date of birth. The other payment is the Supplemental Security Income, which is only for a limited group of retirees.

SSA Card and money
SSA Card and money – CANVA

Thanks to Direct Deposit you will be able to receive any payment from the Social Security Administration immediately. If you do not have this system activated, it may take up to 3 days for the money to reach your bank account.

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