If you do not choose well your collection method you will not get an extra Supplemental Security Income check

The choice of the Supplemental Security Income check cashing method helps us save a lot of time each month

Find out who will get an extra Supplemental Security Income check in June - Licensed AdobeStock

Even though the United States Social Security Administration will send an extra check in June many beneficiaries will not receive it. This is due to a poor choice of collection method for Supplemental Security Income benefits or any other Social Security payment. There are two collection methods available and one is certainly much more advantageous than the other.

If our goal is to receive and enjoy the Supplemental Security Income benefit as soon as possible, the choice of payment method is key. In this case, it can make a big difference in June. This is because choosing the right payment method will ensure that during the days of June we can have an extra Supplemental Security Income check.

The two ways to get Social Security payments are through bank deposit and Direct Deposit. While it is true that either method is valid, only one of them will allow us to get the Supplemental Security Income in a direct way and without the need to wait a single day to use the money. Which collection method do you have activated?

The fastest payment method for Supplemental Security Income

Without a doubt, choosing the right payment method makes a big difference. In order to receive both Supplemental Security Income and any other Social Security check immediately, Direct Deposit must be activated. This collection method will cause any check from the Administration to appear immediately without any waiting time.

It does not matter the amount of the SSI to get it earlier
It does not matter the amount of the SSI to get it earlier – Licensed AdobeStock

On the other hand, if we prefer the classic bank deposit we have to keep in mind that it could take up to three days for the money to appear. Depending on the exact day the money is sent, this can be a very long delay. If there is a weekend, for example, the money could take up to 5 days. So there is no better way than Direct Deposit if we want to avoid delays.

When will Social Security send the two SSI checks in June?

The Social Security Administration will send a total of two checks in June for Supplemental Security Income. Each of these checks will arrive on different dates. Even so, keep in mind that this other check does not mean that we have more money in total.

The extra check actually pertains to the month of June and these are the two days on which the Administration will send the money:

The first of these payments pertains to the month of June, so it follows the usual schedule. However, the second check, the one on the 30th, is actually the Supplemental Security Income for the month of July.

Since the check is in advance, we will not receive SSI payments in July. However, we will get the money earlier, so the monthly budget is actually the same as usual.

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