My disability retirement benefit is not enough, could I increase it?

Social Security Disability beneficiaries may be able to increase the amount of money they receive each month

Social Security Disability Benefit could be not enough for some citizens - Licensed AdobeStock

Each of the Social Security disability checks is different for users in the United States. It is very difficult to find two people who receive exactly the same benefit each month. This is because the amount received depends on each individual’s personal history. Whether it is disability or retirement age, history determines the amount of money Social Security sends monthly.

For many of these beneficiaries, a disability check may be less than desired. The average amount of this type of benefit is $1,258. This may seem insufficient, but considering that it is usually not the only income coming into a household, it can be a good check. Still, disability retirees who receive less may think they don’t have enough money.

Increasing the Social Security disability check is certainly difficult. That’s because the amount awarded in these types of checks is tied to pre-disability work history, at least in most cases. For that reason, once we start collecting a benefit of this type it is almost impossible to get a larger check.

How can I increase my disability pension?

The Social Security disability pension check is set at a certain amount. Each year, the COLA causes this figure to increase based on inflation and general price increases. Because of this, each year we may see our benefit increase a little. Still, it may not be enough for many.

Americans get new check from SSA every month
Americans get new check from SSA every month – CANVA

If we take into account that the highest disability check in 2023 is $3,627 per month we can guess that the retirement pension is higher. To be exact, the check when applying for retirement at age 70, the maximum, is $4,555 per month. This makes us think that we can jump from one type of retirement to the other to obtain a higher amount per month.

This is possible to do, although we must meet the requirements. When we reach the age of 62 we can change the type of pension we receive. If the work history is good, it is possible that the retirement for age is better than the disability benefit. Also, since we can continue to work in some cases, we may be able to increase our work history.

Social Security Check Supplements

Every month we can take certain actions that will give us a little extra money. This is not strictly increasing our Social Security disability check, but it will allow us to live better. Take note of all the things you could do:

And there are many other ways to come up with extra money to supplement a Social Security disability check. It all depends on each person’s situation.

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