We are not prepared to not receive Social Security payments: what happened to Disability Benefits?

The Social Security Administration has already sent out some September disability benefit checks, so find out why you haven't gotten it yet

Social Security is sending a new Disability payment in days

The September payment schedule has already begun for United States retirees, either disability benefit or age retirement. Therefore, many retired Americans already have a benefit available to them.

In the event that you have not yet gotten a Social Security Disability check it may be due to a variety of reasons. The best thing to do in these cases is to monitor all the variants well so that you don’t have any problems related to delayed retirement payments.

In this sense, knowing the day of payment, the best method of collection and the type of benefit we collect is indispensable to avoid delays. Similarly, there are other tips we can follow to avoid these annoying delays altogether.

In the event that you have not yet gotten your September check it may be due to several reasons. But the main one is that you applied for your benefit after 1997. Only retirees prior to that year have been able to get a check for the time being. Are you retired after 1997?


As we discussed earlier, the Social Security disability retirement check has only arrived in September, for the time being to pre-1997 retirees. However, citizens who retired after that year will be collecting their benefit very soon.

Find out when you could get the new payment check
Find out when you could get the new payment check

In just a few days, the next of the Social Security groups will collect. This group is made up of post-1997 retirees with birthdays between the 1st and 10th of the month. This means that if you meet those two requirements, the September 13th payment will be yours.

Still, there are two more payments for disability retirees. The other two payments are on the 20th and 27th of September. The first requirement is also to have the benefit since after 1997. But to get the 20th payment our birthday must be between the 11th and 20th of the month. Likewise, the payment on the 27th of September is only for beneficiaries with birthdays between the 21st and 31st of the month.

Regarding the birthday, it is important to clarify that the month of birth does not matter. This means that retirees do not have to be born in the month of September to collect the September disability payment.

Only the year of retirement and the day of birth matter. With these variants we will be able to know which day of September we will collect the check. In addition, if we activate Direct Deposit we will get the check immediately, so it is a good idea to do so.

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