The IRS Tax Season finishes in two weeks – Do your taxes on time to avoid penalties

In two weeks the IRS will close the Tax Season and Americans who have not filed their Tax Return on time will pay penalties

Tax Season is almost over - Licensed AdobeStock

The IRS makes available to all United States citizens a wealth of tools to make timely tax payments. This is done with the intention of getting all Americans to send in their Tax Return before Tax Season comes to an end. The IRS will accept the documentation until just two weeks from now.

Any American who wants to avoid paying fines and penalties on his or her taxes must file the Tax Return and send it to the IRS before the deadline. Otherwise, they will be in for a very unpleasant surprise, as paying penalties is totally unavoidable. Luckily, there is still plenty of time to send in the necessary documentation.

The Tax Season will end next April 18th. In total, Americans have three months to pay their taxes on time. Since January 23rd, 2023, any American has been able to send their Tax Return to the IRS. In fact, thousands of citizens did it on the first day, which greatly accelerated their Tax Refund.

How can I get my IRS Tax Refund quickly?

Until the 18th of April we can send the Tax Return to the IRS, but that does not mean that we will receive the Tax Refund immediately. After submitting all the paperwork we will have to wait to receive a stimulus check with this money, if we are able to receive it.

IRS will not send the Tax Refund if you do not submit your Tax Return
IRS will not send the Tax Refund if you do not submit your Tax Return – Licensed AdobeStock

In order to speed up the process, the IRS recommends doing the following:

  1. Send the Tax Return digitally. Sending the paper documentation can slow the process down a lot. So we have the digital option, which will get all the paperwork to the IRS much faster.
  2. Don’t make mistakes in the documentation. One of the big reasons why the IRS takes longer to send the Tax Refund is because of errors in the documentation submitted. Any errors related to personal information or mathematics can cause our taxes to take much longer to arrive.
  3. Don’t forget all the documentation. Any income or payments we add to our Tax Return must be documented. All tickets and receipts must be attached to our return.
  4. Activate Direct Deposit. As with Social Security payments, Direct Deposit is the fastest way to receive Tax Refund stimulus checks. As soon as the IRS issues this payment, we can enjoy it, so it is a good idea to activate it.

If we follow these tips and do not send the Tax Return outside the Tax Season, the IRS will pay us our Tax Refund very soon. Otherwise, expect to pay penalties or receive your stimulus check much later. Remember that each month that we take too long to send the Tax Return or to pay the taxes we will have to pay between 4.5% and 5% penalty.

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