The new August 14th retirement payment will not be for all Americans who are retired. The United States Social Security Administration will send this check to a specific group of Americans. If you are part of that group, you can get the payment. If not, you will have to wait for your group’s collection day. The truth is that the SSA payment schedule is really easy to understand and we just need to check the requirements for each collection day.
The next of the retirement checks will be for group 2 retirees. And this group has very strict conditions. The most striking thing, without a doubt, about the Social Security Administration’s payment schedule is that we will always get the payments on the same day. At least we will always have access to the check on an approximate date. This makes it easier for us to organize ourselves more efficiently.
August 14th Retirement Payment Requirements
As we have already discussed, not all Americans can access the August 14th, 2024 check. Americans who can access this payment will be able to enjoy a check of up to $4,873 in the best case scenario. But it doesn’t matter the amount to get this day’s payment.
So let’s take a look at the requirements to get the Social Security Administration’s retirement payment on August 14th:
- You must have applied for a check from the Social Security Administration after May 1997.
- You must have reached your birthday between the 1st and 10th of any month.
Both requirements are essential, so it is not possible to get the payment if we do not meet them. Since this is group 2 retirees, we can guess that group 1 already got their check last week. Similarly, groups 3 and 4 retirees will have access in the next few weeks. What is certain is that we can get check regardless of which retirement group we belong to.
Retirement payments for Groups 3 and 4
Group 1 retirees already got their benefit on August 2, 2024. But the rest of the beneficiaries who do not belong to either group 1 or group 2 can collect their benefit in the coming weeks. In total there are 4 payment days for Social Security Administration checks.
After the August 14th payment we will have access to other checks on August 21st and August 28th. To get the 21st payment you must have applied for retirement after May 1997 and have a birthday between the 11th and 20th of any month.
The August 28th payment is for post-May 1997 retirees with birthdays between the 21st and 31st of any month. Remember that the type of retirement does not matter for belonging to one group of beneficiaries or another. What matters is the two pieces of information we have previously discussed.