How do I get the new $4,873 Social Security retirement check on March 13?

Next March 13th, 2024, the Social Security Administration will send new checks to eligible Americans in the amount of up to $4,873

You could get a Social Security check in days

The Social Security Administration’s payment schedule follows rules to determine on which day it sends the benefit. This makes it easier for retirees in the United States to organize their household finances.

In this way, Americans who collect a retirement check can know when they get their money each month. If we control this information and, in addition, control the collection method, we can always know when we will get our monthly Social Security check.

In total, the Social Security Administration sends out four payments on four different days. But make no mistake, each of these payments is for a different group. Group 1 beneficiaries collect only one of the checks for the month, as do all other groups.

Regardless of the type of benefit we have, we will get a check each month. It is important to keep this in mind, since it is impossible to collect one check for Disability and another for Age Retirement. Which Social Security group do you belong to?

How do I get Social Security for March 13th?

Only group 2 retirees can get this new check in a few days. The mailing day will be March 13th, the second Wednesday of the month. However, this does not mean that all eligible Americans can get the payment on that day.

Your Social Security payment could be on March 13th
Your Social Security payment could be on March 13th

In order to be able to collect payment on the same day of shipment it is necessary to activate Direct Deposit in addition to belonging to group 2. Therefore, the three mandatory requirements to collect the March 13th Social Security payment are:

  1. Have a retirement benefit (regardless of the type of retirement) from May 1997 onward.
  2. Be born between the 1st and 10th of any month.
  3. Have Direct Deposit as the collection method for these benefits.

Only in this way will we be able to get the payment on the 13th day of March. Even so, it is not necessary to have all the requirements to collect this payment. Those in group 2 who do not have Direct Deposit activated will also get the money.

However, the money for these beneficiaries will be available a few days after it is sent. While it is true that Social Security will send the check on March 13th, retirees without Direct Deposit will get their money a little later.

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