First $4,555 April check to Americans with disability in days

The second of 4 payments that Social Security will send to disability benefit recipients will reach eligible citizens within days

Disability users could get first April Social Security payment - Licensed AdobeStock

Any Social Security user with a disability who has a benefit could receive the new United States benefit check in his or her pocket today. This payment will not go to everyone, but only to a group of disabled beneficiaries. However, it is very easy to know whether we are the recipients of this benefit or not.

As all Americans know, the Social Security Administration sends out disability benefits on different days of the month. On each of these days, retirees may receive their payment depending on several factors. Globally, there are two major groups. One group consists of retirees with a benefit before 1997. The second group is made up of pensioner beneficiaries after that year.

Within this second group we can find three other groups in turn. At no point in the classification does the type of benefit change on the day of payment. Therefore, disability retirees receive a check on the same day as age-retired beneficiaries. So if you meet Social Security’s primary requirement, the new check could be in your pocket within hours.

Who gets the new Social Security disability check?

The new Social Security disability check will go to beneficiaries who meet the main requirement. This requirement is none other than having the birthday between 1-10 of a month. As we mentioned earlier, this is the first of the groups to receive their check in April, as is the case every month.

The amount of the payment depends on the citizen
The amount of the payment depends on the citizen – CANVA

The payment day is April 12th, so Direct Deposit beneficiaries will receive their new check within days. Otherwise, they will have to wait up to 3 days for the money to arrive in their bank account. And remember that it doesn’t matter what type of benefit we receive, since both users with disabilities and age pensioners are entitled to this first payment of the month.

When do other beneficiaries receive the payment?

Retirees who did apply for Social Security disability before 1997 had the first payment of the month. That happened on April 3rd. After that, the other group of beneficiaries may receive their check on the 12th, 19th or 26th of April. On each of these days, the Social Security Administration sends the check to a different group.

On the one hand, we have the group of retirees born between the 1st and 10th of the month. This group will receive their benefit on the 12th day. On the other hand, the group of retirees with birthdays between the 11th and 20th have their payment on the 19th of April. The last of the checks will be on April 26th and reaches beneficiaries with birthdays between the 21st and 31st.

It is not necessary to be born in the month of collection to receive a benefit. So if you were born in May, July or December, you will receive the disability benefit for April as well as for the rest of the year. Anyway, we have to keep in mind that the maximum amount of $4,555 is for 70 years old retirees.

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