These Americans will not get a Supplemental Security Income until November

A specific group of Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries will not get a new check for this Social Security benefit until November

These americans will not get a new Supplemental Security Income next month

Supplemental Security Income payments will not reach all recipients in October, so some United States citizens will not have one of these new payments until November. Therefore, some United States citizens will not receive one of these new payments until November. Which group do you belong to?

In order to determine this we must consider several factors. The first is whether or not we have the Supplemental Security Income benefit accepted in advance. That is, if we do not have the benefit already accepted, we will not be able to get it in September or October.

The SSI payment must appear in My Social Security Account. If we have this benefit active, then we may be able to get it within the month of October as well, although we must meet certain requirements.

If we do not get a check in October, there is no need to worry. At the end of the year, if we have Supplemental Security Income as a benefit, we will get all the corresponding payments.

The total amount of money for the twelve months of 2023 will be the same whether we get Supplemental Security Income in October or not. Still, it’s good to know what to expect so that you can be more organized.


Within SSI recipients there are two very distinguishable groups. And the main distinction between these two groups is in the payment method chosen. If we choose one collection method or the other we can determine whether the check will arrive sooner or later.

Check out if you meet the requirements to get the October Supplemental Security Income
Check out if you meet the requirements to get the October Supplemental Security Income

Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries who choose Direct Deposit will not get payment in the month of October. This is due to an irregularity in the calendar. Using this method of payment, the check will arrive on September 29th. Therefore, beneficiaries in this group will get two checks in September and none in October.

In that case they will have to wait until November to get the next of the payments. But this is not the case for all Americans, as some will get their payments on different days.

If we do not have Direct Deposit activated, we belong to the other group of Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries. This other group will get their SSI payment in October, but it is not possible to determine the exact day. The money may arrive between the 4th and 6th day, depending on the bank.

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