10 days to Social Security payments for 67 years old retirees

The first of the Social Security retirement payments in September will be in 10 days for part of the retirees

First Social Security September payment is close - CANVA

Retirees in the United States already know when they will receive their next Social Security payment. This payment is for Full Retirement Age (FRA, age 67) retirees, but also for Early Retirement Age (ERA, age 62) retirees. The group of pensioners with disabilities will also be able to receive the money in these days. In short, any retiree with an accepted pension could receive his or her benefit in just 10 days.

Although within the group of Social Security pensioners only a part will be able to receive this first payment. People who were born between the 1st and 10th of the month will have this first payment in their pocket very soon. The rest of the beneficiaries will receive their benefits in the following weeks. The schedule is the same every month and Wednesdays are payment days.

September schedule for Social Security payments

Social Security benefit payments in September are sent on the following days:

Find out when you could get a new benefit payment
Find out when you could get a new benefit payment – CANVA

Other payments in September

In addition to retirement or disability benefit payments, the Social Security Administration also sends out other different payments. The Supplemental Security Income payment, intended for people with lesser resources, also has its set days:

In September 2022 there is a double SSI payment because October 1 is a weekend. In the rest of the year, only in December is this occasion again, since the 1st of the year is a holiday.

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