When will the two September Supplemental Security Income checks arrive?

Recipients who have a Supplemental Security Income payment may receive two separate payments during September

You could get an extra Supplemental Security Income in September

Supplemental Security Income payments in the United States have a set date. This benefit, in fact, which is so useful for the most needy United States citizens, always arrives on the same days of the month to its beneficiaries. However, there are times when there are irregularities in these payments.

When we encounter these irregularities in the calendar, we must watch out. And it is that our financial organization of the month could change completely. So pay attention to any kind of irregularity that appears on the Supplemental Security Income and Social Security schedules.

A month with an irregularity means that the following month also has that irregularity. Supplemental Security Income payments arrive every month except for those months when something strange happens on the calendar.

Even so, it is true that at the end of the year all Americans have received the same amount of Supplemental Security Income checks. It is not because there is an irregularity that we are going to get an extra check. The only difference is that we will receive the payment earlier or later than usual.


Within the month of September there will be two Supplemental Security Income payments. This is because there is an irregularity in the payment schedule for this month. This irregularity is very simple to understand. Whenever we find an irregularity of this type, we will be able to collect the check for the month in advance.

The maximum Supplemental Security Amount is 914 dollars per month
The maximum Supplemental Security Amount is 914 dollars per month

SSI payments are always due on the 1st of each month. However, the Social Security Administration does not work on weekends and holidays. For that reason, when the 1st of the month is a weekend or holiday they send the payment on the immediately preceding business day. For that reason, in September we will have two different Supplemental Security Income payments and in October we will not receive one of these checks.

These are the calendar days on which we will get these two payments:

In order to receive the money immediately, it is mandatory to activate Direct Deposit. If we do not activate this payment method, it may take more days than usual to receive the Supplemental Security Income for the month.

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Therefore, if we activate Direct Deposit we will receive the payment on the 29th of September. If not, the payment may not arrive until October 3 or 4, depending on your bank.

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