Today you will not get Social Security if you do not meet these conditions

In order to get today's Social Security check, it is mandatory to meet certain requirements and to be part of group 1 of retirees

Social Security arrives today to the first group of Americans

Each new United States Social Security payment is marked on a particular day on the calendar. And on each day of the calendar we find that one of the groups of retirees can get their check. So by simply knowing which group we belong to, we can easily find out when we get paid each month.

The requirements to belong to one group or another are always the same every month, so we can mark the day of the collection on the calendar. With few exceptions, there are a total of four Social Security payment days each month. To that we must add Supplemental Security Income days, which may be 1 or 2 days, depending on the month, but it is also possible that there are no payments.

So knowing the group to which we belong we can mark the calendar day on which we collect the Social Security check. It is a very simple method and the United States Government has set it up this way so that all Americans can perfectly organize their economy at home. When you start to collect your retirement check you can know the day of collection and this is very useful.

Who can’t get a Social Security check today?

As we have already discussed, there are four retirement check mailing days and four groups of retirees. Each of those groups gets payment on one of those days. So on today only one particular group can get a check.

Americans in the group 1 are getting the new Social Security check
Americans in the group 1 are getting the new Social Security check

Social Security retirees who are in groups 2, 3 and 4 cannot get the January 3rd, 2024 benefit. This means that only Group 1 beneficiaries can collect today’s check. Americans in groups 2, 3 and 4 are all post-1997 beneficiaries. Belonging to one particular group or another depends on the day of one’s birthday.

In short, in order to collect today’s check, it is necessary to have applied for the benefit since before 1997. This is a very broad group in which neither the type of retirement nor the day of the birthday matters. Just by fulfilling this requirement, the Social Security Administration will send us today’s check to our checking account. Whether or not we get it directly will depend on the collection method we have activated.

Other Retirement Payments in January 2024

After today’s payment, the Social Security Administration will send three more payments before the end of the month. These three payments will be on January 10th, 17th and 24th. In order to be paid on one of these days, two requirements must be met. The first of these requirements is to have been receiving the benefit since after 1997.

The second requirement will depend on the day of the birthday. Thus, these are the groups according to this information:

Remember that these are the days on which the Social Security Administration sends the payment, but whether or not you get it immediately depends on whether or not you have activated Direct Deposit. With this method of payment the check arrives immediately to our bank account.

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