This is how eating bananas on an empty stomach affects our organism

Nutrition experts point out the advantages and disadvantages of eating bananas on an empty stomach, a fruit rich in potassium

Banana fruit

Banana Fruit

There are certain foods that are not advisable to eat on an empty stomach, while others are advisable to eat on an empty stomach. This is the case of the plantain, also known as banana. This fruit has a number of benefits, such as high potassium and fiber content, which add value to the diet and the health of our organism.

We have to keep in mind that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so having a healthy diet is key to the energy and well-being that our organism needs.

In the case of bananas, they are a great source of magnesium and phosphorus for our organism. In addition, it contains vitamins A and C, which help prevent colds and diseases.

In fact, many nutritionists point out that the banana is a fruit that cannot be missing in our diet. This is also because it serves to improve intestinal transit. So if you have problems going to the bathroom, you already know that this fruit can help.

The banana has a number of functions to help our organism:

Advantages and disadvantages of eating bananas on an empty stomach

Next, we are going to discover the advantages and disadvantages for our body of taking bananas on an empty stomach.

We start on the positive side, and that means that banana improves the digestive system and prevents constipation problems as we mentioned above.

In addition, it strengthens the immune system thanks to its vitamin A and C content. The banana is a fruit of high nutritional value and low in calories as it only provides 90 calories per 100 grams, with 0% fat.

Great sources of potassium

The banana is a fruit rich in potassium, an essential mineral for our organism. Potassium is responsible for several actions in the body:

This fruit provides a boost of energy that is key when fasting, since it allows us to be vital from the beginning of the day. In addition, when eaten on an empty stomach, it passes quickly into the stomach and small intestine. This facilitates the absorption of its nutrients.

Finally, among the benefits, bananas contain tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids for serotonin balance. It is used to relieve stress, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia.

Despite all these positive aspects for our health, however, there are specialists who point out that the banana has negative effects if we take it on an empty stomach. This is due to its high sugar content of 25%.

In addition, they indicate that the energy provided by bananas on an empty stomach is transitory and fleeting. They make you feel tired and hungry immediately.

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