The luxurious nutritious superfood to lose weight

Because of its flavor and its high nutritional value, the black truffle is a very rich superfood

Black truffle superfood

The black truffle superfood is on the list of the most delicious ingredients to add to the dish. That is why its price is really high and not everyone can include it in their diet.

To all this we must add that the black truffle is really a superfood because it has a nutritional composition very rich in essential vitamins and minerals that help the body to function in the best possible way.

The price of this mushroom is explained by its harvesting and growing conditions, which are very specific and difficult to control, but its flavor is as special as the special conditions it needs.

In ancient times pigs were used to find this superfood, although today dogs are specifically trained to find this gastronomic treasure.

Why is the black truffle a superfood?

We must be clear that the black truffle is treated as a ‘deluxe’ superfood and the price changes from week to week depending on the quantity found. A kilo of this food is around 940 dollars, although at certain very important times of the year, such as Christmas, it can exceed 1000 dollars.

At present, this superfood is grown in different areas of Spain, and also in Italy and France. Although the black truffle is exported all over the world, since it is highly valued worldwide.

The health benefits of the black truffle are based on its amazing nutritional properties, which is another of the main reasons why it is considered a superfood.

It barely provides 34 kcal per 100 grams of food, making it an ideal product to incorporate into any dietary structure whose objective is weight loss, following a healthy style or keeping in shape.

In addition, it also contains minerals such as potassium, selenium, iron or sodium; and minerals such as vitamin C or group B vitamins. Without forgetting the great contribution of water that it confers to the organism.

The black truffle in the daily diet

This superfood is always consumed in small quantities because it has a very strong flavor and does not need much to give a distinctive touch to the dish.

To this we must add that it is much better to add the black truffle when the recipe is finished, since when it is heated it loses its flavor and aroma.

Thus, among the recipes in which it can be used are truffled eggs and potatoes, truffle risotto, pasta with truffle, poached eggs with foie; vegetable purees, truffle and almond sauce, onion cream…etc. In short, a superfood that offers countless alternatives in the world of cooking.

Experts advise that the black truffle should be kept in a cool place such as the refrigerator or even in the freezer. To use this frozen superfood, the ideal is to cut a few small slices and add them without previously defrosting on the ready dish.

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