Tax Return – Is it compulsory to report income from hobbies?

Money from leisure activities might come in handy, but do you know if you have to include it in your Tax Return?

Tax Return and reporting income from hobbies

Tax Return and reporting income from hobbies - Canva

Tax Returns are already here but they will not last for long. Bear in mind that the 2023 tax season finished by April 18. That is why is so important that you sort everything out. Although there are some taxpayers who have everything ready, others have not even started gathering the necessary information and documents. Others will forget to report part of their income because they ignore that they have to. That is the case with hobbies.

The Internal Revenue Service has recently informed taxpayers of the importance of reporting money from hobbies. Even if it looks like a hobby, if you are earning money it is business. Therefore, you should report that income. It does not matter if you have just started or done it for years. Reporting it is essential. Anyway, let us have a look at the main differences between hobby and business before you file your tax return.

Find out the main difference between business and hobby before filing your Tax Return

The main difference is that if you take part in leisure activities or hobbies you do it for fun, not for a fee. That is, you do not make any profit to report it in your tax return. On the other hand, you start a business to make a profit and earn money. According to the Internal Revenue Service or IRS, there are nine things you should take into account to clearly tell the difference. For instance, if you keep records of payments completely and accurately. Just like in any other business.

Another thing to keep in mind is the effort you make and the time you are willing to spend on it. It could clearly show that there is an intention to make a profit too. Depending on that income to survive is another key factor. Besides, changing the methodology to enhance and make it more profitable. In addition to this, you should wonder if you have the skills and knowledge to make it a business and become successful. You may have also made it successfully in the past. All these things are key to deciding whether to report it in your tax return or not. But they are not all of them, there is still more.

What other characteristics should you consider?

The Internal Revenue Service also informs of other features you should take into account. For example, if the losses are caused by the normal process of starting a business or circumstances you cannot control. Apart from that, you should pay close attention to the time you have been receiving money. Do you make a profit in some years or not? How much do you earn? Check that before filing your tax return too.

The last final thing to remember, but not the least important is the fact that you expect to make money in the future from the appreciation of those assets that you use in the activity itself. Do not forget that the IRS can help you if you are still unsure whether it is a hobby or a business.  They offer plenty of resources to support taxpayers when they want to report income. In this way, you can file your tax return correctly to avoid penalties or fines.

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