Social Security speeds up resolutions for people with severe incapacity

Not only has Social Security accelerated the process of checking some incapacity, but they have also increased the list

Social Security Accelerates resolutions on incapacity - Canva

Social Security is aware of the delays in the process of making a decision about whether a person has incapacity or not. Many people who have a medical condition find the qualifying process extremely slow. Then they need to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits which might take some time as well. Social Security Administration has a Compassionate Allowances program. It helps SS to make sure that the person who claims to have a disability is real.

In fact, it could be either a disease or a condition that is included in their definition of disability. This list is very strict and this requirement needs to be met. Some of these diseases or conditions are so harsh that some of the claims only need a medical certificate. They will confirm that it is something really severe after the diagnosis. Helping Social Security to be more efficient.

Moreover, Social Security uses state-of-the-art technology. Firstly, to make sure of the severeness and secondly to be as fast as possible. The rapidity of their actions is vital. Avoiding any unnecessary suffering is key when it comes to these terrible situations. In this way, they can approve most claims in the Compassionate Allowances program.

How many new Compassionate Allowances conditions are included?

With all the Health IT Social Security has, electronic medical records are available immediately. As soon as they get the medical records of the person that claims incapacity, they can determine whether they can get it or not. As the list has become larger, it is even more important that everything is fast and clear asap. There are a total of 12 conditions that are new to the Compassionate Allowance list.

Social Security increases the Compassionate Allowances List
Social Security increases the Compassionate Allowances List – Canva

This is the list that Social Security announced:

Luckily, according to Social Security, as many as 800,000 got this fast process. What is more, there is a total of 226 different conditions that can apply for it. It is of vital importance for them, that whoever deserves any of the benefits gets them. Remember that to qualify for Social Security Disability programs, you also need to have some work credits. They check the number of years you have worked in order to get the total number of work credits. Do not forget that they change the necessary number of credits every single year.

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