Social Security checks of up to $4,555 to arrive within a week

Only retirees in a particular group will receive the next of the checks that the Social Security Administration will send to Americans

The first Social Security check in July will be sent to a group of Americans - CANVA

Retirees who meet only one requirement may receive the next of the United States Social Security payments. Receiving each of these new checks requires having the benefit previously accepted. And this is exactly what happens with this new Social Security payment, as it has a specific requirement in order to receive it.

When it comes time to collect the payment each month, citizens can collect on four different days. The Social Security Administration sends checks on these different days to different groups of retirees. Each retiree belongs to a group depending on his or her year of retirement and date of birth. Knowing which group of retirees you belong to is very easy.

Just by knowing these two pieces of information we can determine which group we belong to. And once we know this, we will be able to find out if the next Social Security check is for us. Once we determine if the next payment is ours or not, we will just have to wait to cash it and enjoy the money.

Who gets the next Social Security check?

Retirees who have had their benefits since before 1997 will be able to enjoy the next Social Security check. This is the only requirement if we want to collect the new payment from the Administration.

Find out who will get next SSA payment
Find out who will get next SSA payment – CANVA

Apart from this requirement, there is no other mandatory requirement. Although it is true that in order to receive this payment on the day the money is sent we must activate Direct Deposit as a collection method.

When is the next retirement payment?

The check that will arrive only for pre-1997 retirees will be next July 3rd. This is the first of the checks within this month. After that, the rest of the retirees will have to wait a little bit to receive their checks.

However, those who are not in this group of beneficiaries will not have to wait long. Retirees with a post-1997 benefit will be able to receive their payments in the following weeks.

Other Social Security Payments in July 2023

All other retirees, as mentioned above, will receive their benefits in the following weeks. The timing of Social Security payments is very easy to memorize. Checks for post-1997 retirees arrive on the second, third and fourth Wednesdays of the month.

This means that benefits will arrive in July on the 12th, 19th and 26th. After the 26th payment day, there are no more Social Security checks in July, so retirees will have to wait until August.

To collect the 12th of July, it is mandatory to have a birthday between the 1st and 10th of the month. The second check is on the 19th and goes to retirees born between the 11th and 20th of the month. Finally, the payment on June 26th is only for retirees born between the 21st and 31st of the month. And remember that it is also mandatory to have the benefit since after 1997 to receive these checks.

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