Seniors in the United States could get a $4,558 check this week

The Social Security Administration is sending benefit checks to millions of U.S. retirees this week and you could receive one of them

Seniors will enjoy a new Social Security check this week - ©Tododisca

Millions of retirees in the United States will receive a new Social Security check this week. In order to receive one of these new checks, we only need to meet two basic requirements. The first is to have an accepted Social Security benefit.

If we have a retirement pension, whether due to disability, age or some other reason, we will receive our check every month in the amount agreed upon. The difference between receiving Social Security on one day or on a different day depends on another requirement.

The second of these requirements is the date of the birthday. Depending on the day of birth, retirees may receive their benefit on an earlier or later Wednesday. To get an idea, we should note that the Social Security Administration sends checks on the second, third or fourth Wednesday of the month. The next check is the fourth Wednesday of the month.

What day will Social Security send out the next check?

The next Social Security check will be mailed by the Social Security Administration on the 25th day of February. This is the last check on the entire benefit schedule for the month of February. For that reason, by the end of this week, all retirees in the United States should have their benefit money for the month in their pocket.

Americans meeting this requirement are getting money from SSA
Americans meeting this requirement are getting money from SSA – CANVA

In addition to this, it should also be noted that previous payments should have already arrived in the beneficiaries’ bank accounts. Social Security sent them on February 8th and February 15th. Knowing that it can take up to 3 days for the money to reach the bank account, as of today the beneficiaries already have their money to be able to use it.

Other pension payments

February is not the last month in which retirees receive benefit checks. To this month must be added the rest of the months of the year. The money will reach the beneficiaries’ pockets on the second, third and fourth Wednesdays of the month. It depends on the birthday.

In this regard, every second Wednesday of the month retirees born between the 1st and 10th receive their cheque. Second, on the third Wednesday of the month, Social Security sends checks to pensioners born between the 11th and 20th of the month. Finally, on the fourth Wednesday of every month, pensioners with birthdays between the 21st and 31st of the month receive their money.

In order to receive the money on the same day that Social Security sends it, retirees must activate Direct Deposit. Otherwise, it may take up to 3 days for the money to reach the bank account.

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