These are the retirees over 65 who get the next $1,800 in Social Security

If you have a Social Security benefit and are over 65 you could get a new check for about $1,800 very soon

Meet the requirements to get the next Social Security payment

The next of the Social Security payment days for United States retirees is fast approaching. So if you are part of this group of retirees you could get an average payment of $1,800 in just one week. However, not all retired Americans are eligible for this benefit.

In order to get this check, certain requirements must be met. While these requirements are mandatory for this particular payment, there are other Social Security payments during the month.

One of the great advantages, in this sense, of having a Social Security retirement is precisely that. And is that knowing that every month we will get check is undoubtedly very good for our household economic organization.

Even so, we have to know at what time of the month we will get the payment of the benefit. Not all retirees get checks on the same day. In total, the Administration sends out four different checks during the month and we may get any one of those four checks, depending on which group we belong to.

Who gets the next Social Security payment?

In order to get this new retirement payment we are going to focus on the two mandatory requirements. The rest of the requirements are not mandatory, such as the collection method chosen, so we should not pay full attention to them. At the end of the day, choosing one collection method or another will mean that we will get the payment sooner or later, but the Administration will always send it on the same days.

You can get the new Social Security check if you meet the requirements
You can get the new Social Security check if you meet the requirements

On the upcoming February 21st, 2024, the Social Security Administration will pay retirement checks to beneficiaries who:

These are the two mandatory requirements to get this benefit. However, it is also important to know that this is the mailing day, but not the day on which all beneficiaries will have a check available.

The method of collection has a great influence on whether or not you get the money immediately. If we choose Direct Deposit, the payment will appear immediately in our checking account. If we do not choose this collection method, the money could take up to 3 days to be available.

So now we know the requirements for Social Security on February 21st. And remember that retirement type and retirement age are not important in determining at what time of the month we will collect our monthly check.

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