If your birthday falls between these days you could collect Social Security of $1,800

Each retiree's birthday determines the day on which the Administration will send the monthly Social Security retirement check

Get a 1,800 dollars paycheck from Social Security in the next days

Getting each of your Social Security checks depends directly on your year of birth in the United States. The Social Security Administration sends checks to retirees on four different days of the month, dividing them into four different groups.

Each of these days is assigned to a different group. Belonging to one of the groups depends on two main factors. The first factor is the date of retirement and the second is the birthday. With these two elements we will be able to determine when in each month we will have our retirement payment.

As for the year of retirement, it determines two major retirement groups. Of these two large groups there is one that is divided in turn into three. For that reason we have at the end four different groups of retirees who receive their Social Security checks on four different days.

This time we are talking about the second of these groups, which is divided into three different groups. Well, part of this second group will be cashing a Social Security check later this week.


Only one group exclusively can get a Social Security retirement payment on this coming payday. The specific day will be tomorrow, December 20th, and retirees who want to get the benefit must meet certain requirements.

Social Security is sending new checks soon
Social Security is sending new checks soon

The first of these requirements is related to the year of retirement. Each and every retiree prior to 1997 gets the payment on the 3rd day of the month, with some exceptions. So the rest of the retirees, those after 1997, receive their payment in the weeks after that day. In this case we are talking about the fact that it is mandatory to have the check from after that year to collect this payment.

But this is not the only requirement, as there is another extra requirement. This other requirement is the birthday. In order to collect the benefit, it is mandatory to have a birthday between the 11th and 20th day of any month. The month of birth does not matter, nor does the year. What is important in order to receive this Social Security payment is to be born between the above-mentioned dates.

The $1,800 check is the approximate Social Security average check in December 2024. This does not mean that all citizens who collect a check on December 20th will get this amount. The payment will depend on each citizen’s record, so check well how much you can collect, as the maximum is currently $4,555.

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