Learn how to identify scammers who wants your money from IRS tax refund

With tax season well underway, the IRS warns to watch out for scammers trying to get our information and our money

IRS has announced how scammers could try to steal your information

IRS has announced how scammers could try to steal your information - AdobeStock

Scammers are everywhere in the United States. They can appear from everywhere and by all kinds of means. For that reason, the IRS warns that we should be extremely careful when filing our tax returns. If we are entitled to an IRS tax refund, it is very likely that scammers will try to get our money.

Through a variety of trickery, scammers are able to get the information they need to steal our identity. Once they have stolen our identity, they can not only steal our tax refund, but also our Social Security number.

And that’s why we need to learn how to identify scammers, so we can avoid being robbed of all our hard-earned money. Remember that they can appear in many different forms and with many different means. Moreover, over the years they have been modernizing their way of acting, so we can expect anything from them.

IRS keys to help us identify scammers

Thanks to the IRS’s own clues to help us identify scammers, we will have a better chance of falling into their traps. No one wants their tax refund to end up in the pocket of one of these scammers.

Official list obtained through the official IRS website.

Knowing these details we can have more peace of mind when filing our tax return. Remember that if you need help from an advisor, you must be sure that the IRS works directly with them and that they are not trying to scam you.

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