This group can get $4,873 from Social Security today or tomorrow

The new Social Security payment will arrive in the next few hours to a specific group of United States citizens who meet certain requirements

Social Security has sent some checks and you can get one of them today

The list of United States citizens who may get a new retirement check in the next few days is huge. In fact, many of the citizens who are waiting for a payment from Social Security could be able to enjoy the benefit today. What matters in order to collect the payment is meeting the requirements set by the Administration.

By complying with just two requirements, we will receive the retirement payment this week, although it is also possible to receive it next week if we do not belong to this week’s Social Security group. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about if we do not receive the benefit in the next few days. But what is certain is that we will have the check before the end of the month, since there is one more payday in January.

If you belong to group 3 retirees, this week’s payment is for you. If you belong to another group, it is advisable to take a good look at the payment schedule, since depending on the group you belong to, you will get your Social Security before or after. The important thing in these cases is always to have your check accepted. If we have it, we will be able to get the payment. If not, we will have to wait until our retirement is fully accepted and processed.

Who gets a new Social Security today or tomorrow?

To tell the truth, it is not enough to belong to group 3 of retirees to get a Social Security payment today or tomorrow. It is also necessary to have an active collection method. And the fact is that if we get the payment these days, it means that we do not have the fastest collection method working. So we must meet three requirements.

Retirees will get a Social Security payment today
Retirees will get a Social Security payment today

To collect the retirement benefit today or tomorrow we must meet these requirements:

If we belong to this group of retirees and have activated Direct Deposit, the money will arrive immediately on the remittance day. This remittance day is January 17th, so the payment will already be in the bank account of millions of Americans. But citizens who do not activate this collection method will not get the money immediately, but a few days later.

Another retirement payment in January

In addition to this day’s payment, the Social Security Administration will send out one more check before the end of January. That check will be on the 24th day of the month. And in order to get it, two requirements must also be met. The first of these requirements is the same as on January 17th, but the second is different.

So, the first requirement is to have a benefit since after 1997. Once that filter is passed, the check could arrive on the 24th day of January if our birthday is between the 21st and 31st of any month. The month of birth is not important, nor is the year of birth.

If we activate Direct Deposit, the payment will arrive in our pocket on the 24th day. If not, it will arrive within a few days after sending. Usually it takes a maximum of three days for the money to reach the bank account, but sometimes it may take a little longer.

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