Here’s how you can get two Social Security checks before the end of April

By the end of April 2024, thousands of Americans can get up to two different Social Security checks with a maximum of $4,873

Get two Social Security checks in April

Knowing the schedule of Social Security payments is very important for all retirees in the United States. At the end of the day, many Americans collect only a retirement benefit, even though this practice is not really recommended.

Whether we collect only Social Security or have another source of income, knowing when the money will be available to us is very important. For this reason, the Administration announces in advance the payment days for each month. That way we can know when we will get our retirement money.

April Social Security Paydays

Getting two of these Social Security checks is entirely possible in April. However, only one of the checks will be from retirement itself. The other payment is for a different benefit, Supplemental Security Income.

Social Security is sending different checks in the month of April 2024
Social Security is sending different checks in the month of April 2024

Thus, these will be the Social Security payment days in April 2024:

As we have already mentioned, we can collect two of these checks. One of them will be the 1st payment, which has already been sent in full to the beneficiaries. The other payment will be the 3rd, 10th, 17th or 24th payment, depending on our eligibility.

What is the maximum Social Security check in 2024?

The maximum payment for all benefits in this year 2024 is $4,873 per month. But not all beneficiaries can reach this amount, since you have to plan for retirement well in advance.

In the case of the Disability benefit, Social Security pays up to $3,822 per month. Even so, the truth is that each beneficiary has a totally different amount that depends on many factors.

Finally, the maximum Supplemental Security Income payment is $943. This maximum payment also depends on several factors. The main factor that determines the amount of this Social Security check is the beneficiary’s monthly income.

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