Steps to claim a refund from IRS in the USA

This is all you need to know regarding refunds from IRS and all the different things you need to do in order to get it

Steps to claim refund to IRS - Canva

More often than not, many US citizens are not happy with their tax refund from IRS. Not only because it might seem that it is not enough, but also because you think there might have been a mistake. Moreover, sometimes it could take longer than you had expected to get it sorted. However, it usually takes up to 21 days only, which is not that long. Therefore, only for some taxpayers, 1 out of ten, the process will be later than usual.

IRS advises you to do something about your refund result if it is not what you had thought. Nonetheless, they warn you that your tax refund may have suffered some updates. There are sometimes changes to the amount that you must pay. In general, it is due to some corrections. For instance, according to IRS, it could be because of any Recovery Rebate Credit or sometimes for Child Tax Credits amounts.

On other occasions, it is for any past debt that you had with IRS. If you would like to claim a refund or ask for a reduction of some taxes or interest, you can use Form 843. All you need to do is to fill it in. But you could contact them first by phone if you have not received your online return after 21 days. If you did it on paper, you need to wait up to six months.

How can you check your refund status?

Anyway, any information related to the process of your refund is available. You can always check it on Check My Refunds Status. This tool will allow you to see all the details on a daily basis. You could see three different messages. the first has to do with the fact that they received the return. Secondly, they approved the return, and last but not least they sent you your refund.

IRS tax refund in the USA
IRS tax refund in the USA – Canva

Bear in mind that IRS will always take longer when they need to check more information. For example, when you receive tax abatement or benefit. For that reason, they need to ensure that you can get it and that everything is correct. On the other hand, they could owe you some money from a Stimulus Check. Do not forget to check if they have pending payments or if they have already sent them.

In order to get that information, which can come in handy, you need to access your IRS account. If you have not created one, you can do it here. Once you have got it, you just need to log in. Then you need to look for the section regarding payments. There you will be able to see if they made any payments. Finally, IRS reminds taxpayers not to phone them to check for any delays unless the due dates are over.

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