Five effective exercises to lose weight in just half an hour

We tell you which are the physical exercises you should do to lose weight dedicating only half an hour a day to sport

lose weight

Losing weight once the summer is over is the main objective of most of the population, especially now that the Christmas holidays are getting closer and closer.

The accumulation of fat and fluid retention are the main reasons for the extra kilos that we want to eliminate through a good diet and an exercise plan to lose weight. But what are the most effective exercises to lose weight? What kind of sport can adequately complement a diet?

If you think that the solution is to spend hours and hours in the gym, you are wrong. To lose weight in a healthy way you only need half an hour of exercise, in addition to a balanced Mediterranean diet. The five exercises that we are going to propose will help you achieve your goal.

What exercises to do to lose weight fast?

The exercises we are going to propose can be performed anywhere, even at home, and you will not need specialized equipment for it.

What really makes you lose weight?

To lose weight and lose weight there is no magic formula, it will simply be necessary to make a calorie deficit diet and some exercise adapted to our capacity. The ideal will always be to have a healthy lifestyle to avoid strict diets and miracle diets that then, in the long run, end up causing the dreaded rebound effect or, directly, do not work.

So if your idea is to lose those extra kilos that you have taken during the summer, start a healthy diet and plan a few days of exercise a week.

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