Discover the 5 best places to live with just your Social Security check

Living well with just your Social Security check as a source of income is possible in these 5 great places

Find out the best 5 cities to live on just Social Security average check - Licensed AdobeStock

Most advisors in the United States recommend not relying solely on the Social Security check during retirement. However, it is true that a large portion of Americans do. This is because they have a large enough check to be able to pay all of their monthly expenses.

However, looking for other sources of income can be a great option, since we will be able to live with more peace of mind. Still, if we want to live in a place where we don’t need more than our Social Security check to be able to live we can take a look at this list of 5 places where we can live on just our retirement check.

With the average check of $1,827 a month we will be able to pay for all of our expenses in these cities. And not only that, but we won’t need money other than our Social Security check to buy the odd treat. Would you like to live in one of these cities?

Top 5 cities to live in with an average Social Security check

Before we look at the 5 cities to live in with an average Social Security check, there is something very important to keep in mind. The current average check in 2023 is $1,827, as we’ve already discussed, but that doesn’t mean it’s the maximum. If we have a higher check, we will also be able to live in these cities without any problem.

SSA card and money
SSA card and money – Licensed AdobeStock

These are the 5 U.S. cities to live in with only your Social Security check as a source of income, according to GoBankingRates:

These cities are ideal to live in during our retirement years. Not only because we can pay our monthly expenses with our Social Security check, but also because they have an ideal climate for retirees.

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