Disability benefits: These are the income limits for people with disabilities

Individuals receiving any type of disability benefits should be aware of the income limits so as not to lose the benefit

Disability benefits: These are the income limits for people with disabilities

Knowing the income limits for people with disabilities is a sometimes complex calculation. The Social Security Administration (SSA) sets the requirements. It is important to know them in order to determine the maximum amount a person can receive accurately.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account one thing. The limits based on the income from the work activity of the person with a disability. This limit is set as of 2020 at $1,260. However, if the disability suffered by the person is blindness, this limit increases to $2,110. In this case, SSA considers that they have additional expenses.

But, what is the importance of staying within these limits? Fundamental. In fact, if a person earns more money, the SSA may not consider them a person with a disability. However, if the person already has this consideration and works earning a salary below the limits, they may continue to receive a pensioner’s pension.

It should be noted that if the income does not come from an employment activity, it does not count toward the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) limit. However, if the person applies for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), SSA will consider it a form of income. The SSI income limit for 2020 was $735 per month.

The forms of income that count toward SSDI limits

As we have seen, not all forms of income count toward setting the maximum SSDI limits. In this regard, we can note that income from family or friends, income granted in assistance programs, or medical reimbursements are not considered income. However, if an individual experiences changes in his or her income, it is essential that he or she inform the SSA.

Disability benefits: These are the income limits for people with disabilities

It is important to notify the administration for two reasons. First, because any change may mean being eligible for other benefits. But above all, it is important to keep in mind that if certain income increases, recipients may lose SSDI benefits. However, it is legitimate for a person to try to return to work if he or she wants to, whatever the consequences. For this reason, there are programs and incentives provided by SSA.

How you can avoid losing SSDI benefits

To avoid losing SSDI benefits, it is critical to keep SSA informed of any changes. That is, if there is an employment-related change, you must report it. If it has to do with income, too. But not only that, you must inform SSA of any variation in diagnosis when going through medical checkups.

In the event that for any reason you are not eligible for these benefits, the person has a period of ten days to appeal this decision. In these cases, it is of vital importance to look for a professional in the matter that can guide each specific case. That is to say, an attorney specialized in Social Security Incapacity.

In conclusion, the most important thing to avoid losing SSDI benefits is to keep the Social Security Administration informed. It is important to remember that these benefits are necessary to provide income to those who are unable to work due to their disability. Therefore, maintaining communication with the administration can help you keep your benefits.

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