Choose how you lie in bed and the test will reveal your true identity

Each of these figures has a meaning that can determine your identity. Take the personality test and see for yourself

Viral news brings you again this content that continues to be very popular among our followers. The main feature of this personality test is to guide you and give you a general profile of your behavior in a fun way. Read the instructions below, check the image and be surprised with the answers that this content has in store for you.

We remind you that this viral test claims that it can define a person’s behavior by the way they lie down. Although of dubious psychological and scientific validity, this publication has become one of the most viewed.

Researcher and physician Chris Idzikowsky, coordinator of the Sleep Institute in the United Kingdom, analyzed the six most common sleeping positions people have. His findings revealed that each is associated with a specific personality profile.

Idzikowsky not only considered this idea in relation to our sleeping position, but also reached certain conclusions that can benefit our health. For example, he indicates that lying on your stomach allows for better digestion. In addition, the soldier and starfish positions create difficulties with ventilation, leading to snoring and lack of rest.

After this relevant information, look at the following images, make your choice and find out what information this personality test gives you about your sleeping postures.

What does each choice in this test mean?

Personality tests are questionnaires designed or created to assess an individual’s personality. In other words, they let you know what a person is really like. The tests circulating on social networks usually consist of answering a single question: what do you see first in the image? The answer allows the user to know how they are.

Below we explain the meaning of each number:

Personality test: your choice will reveal aspects of your character
Personality test: your choice will reveal aspects of your character

Number 1

If you have to bend your knees while lying down, you are a calm and reliable person who rarely explodes with anger and always maintains a positive attitude.

Number 2

If the childhood situation suits you best, you are a person who enjoys feeling protected and the approval and understanding of others. This attitude shows that you prefer to isolate yourself from problems and prefer quiet, risk-free activities.

Number 3

Sleeping on your stomach with your arms and legs at your sides shows that you are a leader, capable of taking the initiative and putting your personal and professional life in order. For you, perseverance and planning are the keys to success.

Number 4

Otherwise, sleeping on your back shows a positive and energetic attitude, accustomed to being the center of attention in the right society. You are stubborn, opinionated and have a strong personality.

Number 5

One trait that distinguishes those who normally sleep like soldiers is the firmness of their beliefs and their tendency to be unduly demanding of themselves. Because of this, they are well-balanced people with fixed goals in life.

Number 6

Sleeping with your leg bent like a heron implies an unpredictable personality that will get you involved in all sorts of adventures, although you have a hard time making decisions, so you prefer peace and quiet.

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