Check if your pension is within the Social Security average

We know the average amount of United States citizens in Social Security according to official data

Social Security payments could arrive by different methods - CANVA

Do you know what the average Social Security amount is in the United States? It depends on how much money has been paid in, your retirement age, and your spouse’s work history. These are all important factors. The amount of the benefit is very personal. But the Social Security Administration publishes data on average benefits in different groups.

Social Security divides the total amount into several groups. This depends on whether you are retired, widowed or disabled worker, the amount will be different. Here’s what the average amount of Social Security benefits will be in 2022 in different groups of people.

Social Security for retirees

This is the largest category. There are about 48 million retirees in the United States. They represent 73% of all Social Security beneficiaries.

Although each retired worker receives a different amount, the average monthly benefit is $1,669.

Retired spouses

Spouses receive what are known as ‘spousal benefits.’ They provide up to half the amount of a husband’s or wife’s monthly benefit. This figure is independent of how long they have worked themselves. There are currently 2 million people in the United States who receive this benefit through Social Security.

At age 62 or older, spouses can choose between the spousal benefit or their own benefit. The spousal benefit is set at an average of $835.

Divorced persons may also apply for this benefit if they meet a number of conditions.

Social Security When August 2022 Benefits Will Be Sent
Social Security When August 2022 Benefits Will Be Sent – Canva

Social Security benefits for widow without disability

In the United States, it is possible to receive Social Security benefits from a deceased spouse. This is known as a survivor benefit. There are more than 3.5 million beneficiaries in this category.

The average monthly benefit is $1,562 as they can reach 100% of the deceased spouse’s benefit. These benefits can begin as early as age 60.

Disabled workers

About 7.8 million disabled workers receive benefits. A certain amount of Social Security credits based on age is required to apply. The average benefit is $1,362.

Four credits are awarded every four years to workers with sufficient earnings. It is also taken into account that some people are unable to continue employment due to a medical condition that prevents it. Spouses and children of disabled workers may also apply for Social Security benefits.

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