Bicarbonate and lemon, the surprising mixture to heal the organism

The bicarbonate with lemon is a supplement that can help us to regulate many basic body functions

Bicarbonate and lemon the surprising mixture to heal the organism

The sodium bicarbonate with lemon is one of the most famous healing drinks that exist. Drinking a glass of water mixing a little bicarbonate with lemon will alkalize our organism. Thus, with this mixture we can obtain numerous benefits for good health.

Of course, this remedy is not without controversy, because this natural combination is not a solution for all ills. Therefore, we can not exaggerate or ensure that this is effective for all ailments of some importance or severity.

However, we can affirm that the bicarbonate with lemon is a complement that helps us to regulate many basic functions of the organism:

Contrary to what appears in some publications, this combination does not stop or prevent cancer. Therefore, we must see things with common sense and look for ways to improve our health with natural home remedies.

Bicarbonate with lemon treatments

According to the portal mejorconsalud, these are the 4 healing treatments that we can perform by mixing bicarbonate with lemon:

Cures kidney health.

It is possible that we suffer from some disorders related to our kidneys. Therefore, to prevent it we can resort to drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate. To this we will also add a few drops of lemon juice and you will have a perfect mixture to take after the meal.

This way the blood is better filtered, the urine reaches the bladder and with less impurities to prevent them from causing an infection.

Lose weight

In case you are looking for a weight loss supplement, bicarbonate and lemon can be used for it. All you need is a tablespoon of bicarbonate dissolved in water along with the juice of half a lemon. Take it on an empty stomach and you will see how you will gradually purify your organism.

Better digestion

Adding lemon to a tablespoon of bicarbonate in a glass of water can help fight stomach inflammation and improve the digestive process. If you notice that your digestions are heavy, that your belly swells and you find it hard to go to the bathroom, do not hesitate, this remedy will be great to purify, eliminate toxins and fermentations in your intestines.

Improves liver health

The mixture of lemon and sodium bicarbonate can play an important role in liver health. It acts as a catalyst for it to perform its cleansing functions more effectively. We must take into account that important detoxification functions are carried out in the liver, as it cleanses our blood and synthesizes enzymes and vitamins.

Therefore, drinking a glass of water every day on an empty stomach with a little lemon juice and a spoonful of bicarbonate will provide us with vitamin C and antioxidants. Two important elements to keep the liver strong and facilitate its functions.

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