Americans who want to get $4,555 must meet this requirement

The new Social Security benefits will be coming soon and only United States citizens who meet certain requirements will get the new check

The type of benefit does not matter to get the new Social Security payment

The maximum Social Security benefit in the United States is not something that every American can get. Still, it should be kept in mind that every citizen can qualify for such a large check. But it should also be kept in mind at all times that if we do not get the $4,555 check we will still be able to get a payment, regardless of the amount of the check.

Regardless of whether we have a maximum check of $4,555 per month or get an average benefit of $1,888 per month, the next of the Social Security payments could be ours. We must belong to group 1 retiree. And the type of retirement makes no difference to the day we get a check, so it doesn’t matter if our payment is disability or some other type of justification.

What is important to determine which group of retirees we belong to are two pieces of personal information. On the one hand, the year of retirement. On the other hand, the beneficiary’s date of birth. Only by knowing these two elements very well will we be able to determine on which day of the month we will get the payment. And the next check will arrive in November and it will be only for the first of these groups.

If we do not meet the requirement to get the new check, we do not have to worry. The Social Security Administration will send three more checks to retirees with a benefit. In order to know if we will receive the check on one day or another, we simply have to know what the requirements are. Do you know which group of retirees you belong to?


In just a few days we will get a new check for up to $4,555 per month. This new check will come to the first of the United States retiree groups. To get this day’s Social Security retirement payment we will need to meet only one mandatory requirement. Unlike the other days, when it is mandatory to meet two requirements, for the first of the payments, one is enough.

Find out the requirement to get the new Social Security check in November
Find out the requirement to get the new Social Security check in November

That requirement is none other than having applied for the benefit before 1997. Then, any retiree who has a check prior to that date will be able to get payment of the next check. The exact day on which the Social Security Administration will send this payment will be November 3rd. But that will not be the last day, as there will be more payments during the month.

The rest of the payments will have two requirements and the first one will be to have the benefit after 1997. In addition to that, the date of birthday will be key to determine on which day of November they will collect.


As we have already mentioned, having applied for the Social Security benefit before or after 1997 is key to determining whether we belong to the first of the groups to be paid or to one of the next three.

In total, the Administration divides retirement payments into four different groups. The first group will be paid on November 3rd and the other groups will receive their benefits on the 8th, 15th and 22nd of the same month.

In order to receive the payment on the 8th day, it is necessary to have a birthday between the 1st and 10th of any month. The payment on the 15th of November is for retirees born between the 11th and 20th of any month. Likewise, the last payment in November is on the 22nd and will be made only to beneficiaries whose birthdays are between the 21st and 31st of any month.

Remember that to be part of one of these groups it is also necessary to have applied for Social Security benefits after 1997. Also, activating Direct Deposit is key to getting your check instantly the moment the Administration sends it.

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