70-year-old retirees to collect Social Security of $4,555 in a matter of days

Checks of up to $4,555 a month from Social Security for retirees in a specific group will arrive early next week

70 years old retirees could get next Social Security check - Licensed AdobeStock

People in the United States have a big advantage when they start cashing their Social Security checks. That advantage is none other than knowing exactly on what day they will receive their payment. This is not always the case when the citizen is working, as the boss may be late in sending the money, there may be problems in the company or many other situations.

However, the case of the Social Security Administration is different. Thanks to the payment schedule, retirees can know on what day they receive the money in their pocket each month. This makes it much easier to stay organized at home. In addition, knowing the exact day of the month eliminates financial problems in paying bills.

And not only that, but we must also remember that we can know the exact amount we will receive. While it is true that cashing a Social Security check as the only source of income is not recommended for some Americans, it is their reality. So if you are waiting to cash the new retirement check you may be receiving it next week. Are you in the group of retirees who will receive the new check?

Which group of retirees is receiving the next Social Security check?

The next Social Security retirement check will go to only one group of beneficiaries. This group is made up of pre-1997 retirees. There is no other requirement for the Administration to send us the check on this particular day.

SSA money is always sent every month
SSA money is always sent every month – Licensed AdobeStock

What may change a little is the day on which we receive the money. This will depend largely on the collection method we have assigned to us. If we use Direct Deposit, the money will arrive instantly to our pocket.

To make this clearer, let’s use an example. The Social Security Administration will send a check on July 3rd. This check will arrive immediately on July 3rd to retirees who have activated Direct Deposit. Otherwise, the check may arrive on the 4th, 5th or 6th of the same month.

Other July retirement checks

If you are not a pre-1997 retiree, you will have to wait a little longer to receive your retirement money. The Social Security Administration will pay these checks on different days of the month. By knowing on which day the Administration will send the money, we will be able to have a better organization at home.

This is the schedule of the payments in July after the 3rd day:

And remember that to get same-day payment we must have Direct Deposit activated. Otherwise, we will have to wait a few days to receive the Social Security payment.

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